Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Taking the first step

I am having major writer's block in my offline life, hopefully I don't find it spilling into this one as well.  It's been a long, long summer and I'm glad that it is finally coming to an end for me because that means I can come back to my real life and finally escape the stressful hair-and-sleep-loss environment of my current schooling program (well at least until January).

It's been a long summer full of struggles.  I've been away from my sweet kiddos and husband for most of the summer, surviving off of pictures and videos and a daily Face Time call back to the baby and weekly one to the boy.  I've spent the summer wrestling with my future in a way that even the Tarot couldn't help.

I hate indecisiveness and often act way before I've considered all of my options, so this constant state of uncertainty as to which path I should take has been driving me crazy, to say the least.  I completely underestimated the impact leaving the military would make on me after almost nine years and how hanging onto bits of that world would make moving on even more difficult.  I admire people who can cut off things completely and now see the wisdom in that.

I spent the summer bouncing from idea to another, afraid to go back to what I know to be my true calling.  I know I'm not the only person out there who ignores the obvious for one (or a million) reasons.  I had good reasons, I'm sure, but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and hope that you understood what the universe was trying to convey.

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