Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.

Conan O'Brien

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

It's Christmaween!
If you asked my kids they'd probably tell you that I love Christmas.  Every year I drag them down to the Hallmark store to buy their annual ornament (everyone has to pick their own, which has resulted in no less than three annoying Scooby Doo ornaments that make noise in the five years I've been doing this).  Then there is the advent calendar with a different Christmas-related activity planned for each day leading up to the BIG DAY in which they get more stuff for me to step on, put together and clean up after.  Worse perhaps than the Santa Claus lie is the Christmas lie I live every December.  I HATE Christmas.  Hate perhaps isn't a strong enough word to accurately describe my feelings.....abhor, despise, loathe, yes, loathe, perhaps.  Growing up it was the time of the year when my dad's business was the slowest, so of course it was a time for arguing between him and my mom about money.  We were generally living pretty much paycheck-to-paycheck, which isn't poor until something bad happens like the massive medical bills.  Later, long after my baby sister had been in and out of the hospital as a result of being premature, it became a time of year for arguing + disappointments when the weight of those medical bills became too much.  The Christmas I was 12, I remember having to pretend I was happy with a gift box of Lifesavers I received under the tree because dad was too proud to request toys from any of the agencies that provided them to kids like us.  Other than that box of Lifesavers, I can't name one gift I received as a child, but I can remember vividly what it's like to be in a house of adults fighting about money the day before Christmas.  Other than those yearly fights, we had no holiday traditions, no family activities......nothing I can hold onto.  Despite the fact that I'm sure both my parents would call themselves religious, it was a completely secular holiday with none of the spirit of generosity, giving or gratitude that should be associated with it.    

I have been fortunate for my most of my kids' lives to be able to afford to spend a decent amount on their Christmas haul.  This may not always hold true, but I will always try to talk them into watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, make them hot chocolate as they put up the tree and drive around with them to look at the neighbor's lights.  I will start filling that advent calendar with more service and charity projects as the years pass and their ability to interact with their world grows.  I will always pretend to be excited about Christmas, even as they roll their eyes as they turn into teens.  Growing up, Christmas was always about the tree and presents, I pray that I can turn it into something a little more for my little ones.  I am not particularly religious, nor am I a fan of the commercialism, but I will always try to channel my inner Sponge Bob and promote an Attitude of Gratitude, even if I have to lie ;)

Friday, December 13, 2013

And this is the card I picked today.....

"I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames." ~ Les Brown

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some Really Random Goals for 2014

I'm not great at typical New Years Resolutions, instead I've decided this year to focus in some more likely goals for the year 
~Knit at least one sock (sock sitting on my needles, I'm looking at you)
~Floss on a regular basis so I don't have to squirm when the hygienist gives me the eye
~Finish one of the million works of prose sitting in my google drive
~Buy less and be happy for what I already have
~Grow a plant and not kill it
~Plow through the digital stack of books on my kindle and leave a review for all of them.

What are your random goals for 2014?

Change is coming.....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. ~ Marcus Aurelius

Monday, December 9, 2013

Good (wet, cold, & rainy) Monday morning

Did not want to get out of my warm cocoon....the ducks and geese, however, are ready for battle.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Your Tarot Card by Astrological Sign for the Week of 8 December 2013

Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22
King of Wands ~ Theme for the week:  confidence & courage—refusing to settle, taking the leadership role, taking huge risks.

Capricorn - December 23 - January 20
The Empress ~ Theme for the week:  nurturing & abundance—giving of yourself, finding yourself lacking for nothing, finding a connection with nature.

Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
Knight of Swords ~ Theme for the week: expertise—speaking frankly and to the point, having all eyes on you, coming from a position of knowledge and authority.

Pisces - February 20- March 20
Four of Wands ~ Theme for the week:  excitement—feeling great joy, celebrating good fortune, breaking free from bonds.

Aries - March 21 - April 20
The Magician ~ Theme for the week:  achievement—doing what needs to be done, finding the motivation to make things happen, obtaining the power or position to make an affect.

Taurus - April 21 - May 21
Six of Swords ~ Theme for the week:  the blues—feeling down, starting over, leaving a familiar place.

Gemini - May 22 - June 21
Four of Cups ~ Theme for the week: apathy--feeling down, needing time alone, spending time recharging.

Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Eight of Cups ~ Theme for the week:  moving on—seeking answers from within, growing tired of the current situation, preparing to leave.

Leo - July 23 -August 21
Strength ~ Theme for the week:  inner strength—persevering in the face of adversity, approaching opposing views with tolerance, taking time and acting with patience.

Virgo - August 22 - September 23
Two of Wands ~ Theme for the week:  originality & boldness--thinking outside the box, looking for innovative solutions, going your own way.

Libra - September 24 - October 23
Four of Pentacles ~ Theme for the week:  controling—refusing to let go, micromanaging, refusing to allow for new ideas or ways.

Scorpio - October 24 - November 22
Eight of Pentacles ~ Theme for the week:  details—paying close attention to the finer points, taking up a new course or skill, working hard.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Where I want 2014 to take me

Every year I make New Years Resolutions and every year I get distracted and fall off pretty quickly (and by pretty quickly I mean approximately 7-10 days in.) I know that I always preach being easy on oneself, but I, like many people, am my own worst critic.  I also had this thought that this past year depression has had such a hold on me because I spent so much time focused on my unemployment and not on small things I could do to make me happier. So this year instead of resolutions, I've to decided instead to make lists of things. Lots and lots of lists. My first list is of places to see/things to do in 2014. Who knows if I'll actually get to do all of these things (especially with the on again/off again unemployment issue....yay government employee!), but thinking about this is a lot more fun than lack of employment.

  • Go see a NASCAR race (only because it will make my husband happy)
  • Ride in a swamp boat
  • Go on a canoe ride
  • Visit at least two waterfalls
  • Go see Chimney Rock
  • Take the velociraptor to Lego Land because Lego Discovery Center was a huge letdown

Where do you want 2014 to take you?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How does an Email Tarot Reading Work?

1.  Once I receive an order from a client I review all of the information I am given carefully.  A lot of people feel that if they give too much information they won't receive a "true" reading.  And while that may be the case for some readers, I find that any random details people want to give me help me in designing a spread that is better suited to their particular situation.  For example, two people may come to me for a pregnancy reading, but a woman who has had trouble conceiving is going to need a different set of questions answered than a woman who is trying to spread out conceiving for the benefit of her career or due to finances.  I will know none of the particulars of her situation unless she tells me.

2.  Once I have a spread picked out, I begin to set up for a reading.  This generally involves clearing my mind so that my own thoughts don't affect the cards or my interpretation of them.  If you ever read for yourself, you'll find this incredibly important as Tarot Cards often become "wishful thinking cards," mirroring your hopes and dreams as opposed to reality if you can't do it with a somewhat calm approach.  I'll also light candles and set out my cloth.

3.  Next I shuffle the cards and lay out the spread.  Once I've photographed it, I write down the basics--card, position and the question associated with that position.

4.  Finally I sit to down to work on the reading itself.  The wonderful thing about the time I have to do these readings is that I have the time to really think about the connections between the cards and how this may affect my client's situation.  There have been many times in a personal one-on-one reading that I overlook something or don't make an important connection.  Rarely does that happen in an email reading.

5.  The reading is written up, converted to a PDF and sent to the client.  The client can then read it at her/his leisure and go back to it whenever she wants.