Friday, May 25, 2012

Tarot Philosophy

Before I gave into my curiosity about the Tarot, I can remember being slightly afraid of it, if that makes any sense.  I knew nothing of the people who studied it, and assumed that all Tarot readers were mysterious women casting spells and curses.  In realty of course, I now know that Tarot practitioners come from all walks of life.  But I think that image is pervasive, keeping people who might otherwise benefit from seeking out the guidance of the Tarot.

I like to tell people that the Tarot is one of the first self help books, only in card form.  The Tarot is less of a fortune telling device and more of a guidance tool.  Most of us know the answers to the questions we have, but other things......fear, false security, laziness......all get in the way, leaving us in confusion when we come encounter conflict and change.  The Tarot helps clarify our thoughts and desires.  There is nothing new under the sun in the way we relate to one another, thus the Tarot is able to help provide a forecast.  Forecasts take into account all conditions and then provide a probable outcome.  This outcome, much like the weather forecasts, isn't set in stone, thus it may not always be right, but it can definitely give you a good idea of where you are going if you continue down the path you're on.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that there is nothing to fear from the the right hands, it will provide you with a powerful tool to improve your life.

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