If you read this blog regularly, you've probably gathered that I'm in the military. Very, very soon after my little parasite is born, I will be taking a HUGE leap by letting my contract expire after eight years in the hopes that I will be bringing a little sanity to my life. It is a big leap because while husband can feed us and keep a roof over our heads, paying my credit card debt down (racked up long before I ever set eyes on him) is really not in the budget. We have about four or five months of savings to cover us then it's back to work or.........(actually I really don't know what comes after the or). It reminds me of those old maps of the world when it was still thought the world was flat and one could sail over the edge into the mouth of a great monster. I'm headed to that monster right now.....oh sure, the water is fine now, but soon, I will get pulled over the edge........
It was in this agitated mood that I approached the Tarot one night (can
you see where this is going?) and asked about my immediate future. The
cards came back to me, not as I'd hoped, (with a glimpse of the future
or some hint as to what avenue I should take) but instead with a reading
that made me say, "No shit, Tarot!"
My very first deck, used for personal readings only |
What I got back was just an immediate reflection of what I already knew......conflict: between having many choices ahead of me and trying to make plans.........my short term future: BIG Changes coming! How I see myself: feeling like I'm becoming a big moocher because I'll be staying home with the baby for a bit.....and then funniest of all, the over emotionality of my future outlook card . I say funny because as anyone who has had a baby knows emotions are insane right after birth and for a bit thereafter.....with my first child, I cried at the drop of a hat for a long time, at anything (though mostly baby commercials).....things are a bit hormonal at first.
So now, getting to my point. Reading the Tarot is more than just shuffling some cards, laying them out and looking up meanings in your favorite guide. Clarity and connection are important. Clarity of mind allows for a true connection......not a reading jumbled with emotions and desires of the reader. If you have decided you want to study the cards, it's important that you prepare yourself each time to read the cards properly.
Some ideas on how to do this:
- Read in the same spot every time. Pick a place without a lot of distractions, away from noise as much as possible.
- Create a ritual.....I'm not talking spells and curses here.....just a routine that you follow each time you read. For example, you can shuffle the same way every time or split the deck exactly the same way.
- Give yourself a moment of silence before you begin touching the cards.
- Clear your mind of everything but the focus of your reading or question being asked. Let nothing else cross your mind until you have finished laying out the cards.
Clarity of mind is very important for those seeking a reading as well. Coming to your reader in an emotional state will get you a very disconnected reading. Try and approach your reader with a calm a mind as possible. Push all thoughts away of anything else but the issue or question at hand. Focus in on it until the last card has been drawn. Keep this in mind and you too can avoid your own, "No Shit, Tarot!" moment.
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