Monday, December 26, 2011

The New Year is Fast Approaching!

Welcome to my new blog! I'm so excited about the coming year and I hope you are too. It promises to be a year full of exciting changes for me personally and professionally as well.

I've spent the past week enjoying the break from Boring Day Job and have spent far too much time on the couch. Luckily I've been able to read for a few clients over the past few days to break up the nonstop eating that seems to go on when I have too much time on my hands.

The New Year is traditionally a time of change.....or at least attempted change. Very soon (if it hasn't started already) many of those around you will begin to make BIG promises about resolutions for the new year that will die a quick and guilt-ridden death. If you find yourself in that same boat, I appeal to you: Please stop the insanity! Getting into shape, eating better, reading more, volunteering, getting out of debt [insert your goal here] are all good goals, but reaching them and better yet, maintaining them are nearly impossible without moderation. Moderation is the key to making realistic change in your life. Here are some key points when starting toward your new year's resolutions:

  • Start Simple--the simpler the change, the easier it will be to maintain. Want to finally start that vegan, lactose free, gluten free diet? Pick one area at a time to slowly eliminate from your diet.

  • Think hills instead of mountains--a series of smaller, realistic short-term goals is far easier to obtain--want to loose 50lbs? Set a goal for five.

  • Rewards--Living on a strict budget to get out of debt? Create a series of milestones along your debt repayment plan and reward yourself for reaching your goal.

  • Don't give up--OK, so say a month and half into your diet resolution Valentine's day rolls around and you find yourself gorging on that box of chocolates or you sleep through three morning work-outs in a row. Your resolution is not dead! We all slip from time to time....give yourself leave to be human. As the cliche goes, tomorrow is, after all, another day.

    I hope you all have something wonderful in your life, and if not that 2012 brings it to you. Blessings in the New Year!