Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

I'm cheating and finishing this post from the 2nd of January.......the first day of the year was spent on the most painful of all journeys known to mankind......the long road trip with small child. I would kiss the inventor of the portable DVD player if I could track him down....with the exception of the occasional "I'm hungry," and "Mommy can I watch another Scooby Doo?" there was complete silence from the back seat. Priceless.

I have yet to make a resolution.......not out of fear of failure, but merely acceptance that my life is going to be nuts this next year and maybe for once I should not overload my plate quite so much. Let's see if I can actually live up to that. A lot of changes await me this year and if you find yourself in a similar boat, I invite you to give yourself leave to not be everything to everyone. Too many people (especially women) fall into this trap. If you must have a resolution then resolve to give yourself room and time. Learn to say no gracefully when necessary. Overstretching and over-committing are sometimes worse than never stepping in at all. Don't be afraid to be a little selfish......a little self interest never hurt.