Saturday, April 28, 2012

Flat Teddy Bear

While I was deployed to Iraq, mommy guilt was at an all time high, thus my little velociraptor was the recipient of many many things I would not have bought otherwise.  And when I wasn't buying stuff for the the rug rat,  I soon found myself falling into the trap of  buying things just to get mail.  While I love my family dearly, they SUCKED at sending me anything in the way of packages, letters or cards (fortunately I have some really cool friends who picked up the slack).  This, however, gave me ample opportunity to add to my stash, which would have been fine, had I not been sharing a metal shipping container with a roommate.  (She was very understanding, fortunately, about the whole yarn thing).  With very little to distract me after my long shifts, I found myself with a lot of time to crochet.  Here's one of the first things I made--Flat Teddy.  Cheap (the one pictured was made with scrap yarn and cotton balls because that's what I had at the time), safe for all ages and easy to ship.....this would be a good project for charity.  It's been months since I've one of these guys, so please let me know if you run into any errors or typos.

Teddy Bear Front (make 2)
Chain 6
1Turn, sc across (5sc)
2Turn, 2sc in 1st st, 1sc in ea of next 3st, 2sc in last st (7sc)
3Turn, sc across (7sc)
4Turn, 2sc in 1st st, 1sc in ea of next 5sc, 2sc in last st (9sc)
5Turn, sc across (9sc)
6Turn, 2sc in 1st st, 1sc in ea of next 7, 2sc in last st (11sc)
7-9Turn, sc across (11sc)
10Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, 1sc in ea of next 7sc, sc dec over last 2st (9sc)
11Turn, sc in ea st across (9sc)
12Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, 1sc in ea of next 5, sc dec over last 2sc (7sc)
13Turn, sc across (7sc), tie off
Begin Arms
14Ch7, with 7th chain still on hook, connect (with a sc) to 1st sc of row 13 and sc across (7sc). Chain 7.
15Turn, sc in each ch and sc across (19sc)
16Turn, sc across (19sc)
17Turn, 2sc in 1st st, 1sc in ea of next 17, 2sc in last st (21sc)
18-19Turn, sc across (21sc)
20Turn, sc dec across 1st 2sc, 17sc across, sc dec across last 2st (19sc)
21Turn, sc across. Tie off (19sc)
Begin Body
22Turn, join yarn in 4th sc with sc, 1sc in ea of next 12sc (13sc)
23Turn, sc across (13sc)
24Turn, 2sc in 1st st, 1sc in ea of next 11sc, 2sc in last sc (15sc)
25Turn, 15sc across (15sc)
26Turn, 2sc in 1st sc, 1sc in ea of next 13sc, 2sc in last sc (17sc)
27-28SC across (17sc)
29Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, 1sc in ea of next 13sc, sc dec over last 2sc (15sc)
30Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, 1sc in ea of next 11sc, sc dec over last 2sc (13sc)
31Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, 1sc in each of next 9sc, sc dec over last 2sc (11sc)
Begin Leg One
32Turn, 2sc in 1st sc, sc in ea of next 4sc (6sc)
33Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, sc in ea of next 3sc, 2sc in final sc (6sc)
34Turn, 2sc in 1st sc, sc in ea of next 3sc, sc dec over next 2sc (6sc)
35-36 Repeat rows 33-34
37-38 Repeat rows 33-34. Tie off.
Begin Leg Two
32Attach yarn with sc in 7th sc of row 31 with sc, sc in ea of next 3, 2sc in last sc (6sc)
33Turn 2sc in 1st sc, sc in ea of next 3sc, sc dec over next 2 st (6sc)
34Turn, sc dec over 1st 2sc, sc in each of next 3sc, 2sc in final sc (6sc)
35-36Repeat rows 33-34
37-38Repeat rows 33-34. Tie off.
Begin Ears
In 1st st of row 2, hdc 5.  Sl st across top of head (5sc).  In last st of row 2, hdc 5.  Tie off.
Place the two teddy bear fronts, one on top of the other, right sides out, and stitch together (I single crocheted them together, but any method of sewing together should work), stuffing as you go. Using a yarn needle, create the bear's face.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


     It probably seems counter initiative that someone into Tarot would decide not to know what the gender of their future child was, but that's exactly what I have decided to do.  Much to the annoyance of the crazy old man wielding the ultrasound, the husband and I decided against finding out the sex of the baby.  After all, there are so few surprises left in life.  It sounded like fun, and it's driving my family nuts (which in my book = win).  But I am determined to stay strong (not that I have a choice, the ultrasound ship has sailed).

     It, however, has not stopped me from speculating.

     I'm pretty certain it's a girl.  I never dreamed about little man before he was born, but I knew he was a boy long before we had the twenty week ultrasound.

     I have dreamed about this baby (girl).  My six year old says he's having a sister.  I have read every myth and wives tale I can find (I think we're close to 50/50), checked the Chinese Gender Calculator (girl) , read my cards (girl) and been the subject of speculation by both friends and strangers alike (50/50 there too).
I adore little man and  would love, love, love to have  a little boy.  But I think the universe may be telling me it's time to get over my inability to do hair or makeup properly,  if so many of the signs I keep encountering are true.  I've already gotten in the habit of calling my little womb invader a "she," so much so that I'm afraid I'll be going the way of my mom, who called my youngest sister a "he" her entire pregnancy, only to be surprised by a tiny baby girl a few months early in the end.

     So am I right or wrong?  I guess only time will tell.  But odds are on my side........after all, I've got a 50/50 shot ;)